Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wayne Elsey's Blog

While we anxiously wait for the world’s current economic turmoil to recede, we all need to remember that billions of people living in poverty around the world are suffering on a daily basis. While those of us living in First World countries may decide to eat out a little less, or carpool a little more, there’s still an easy way to help people in Third World countries without writing a big check to do it.

Most American closets are overflowing with shoes that we no longer wear. These may be pairs that have fallen out of style, or never fit quite right, or were a gift that went (mostly) unworn. Whatever the reason, these shoes are taking up space in our closets when they could be doing a world of good for someone in need.

Here is an examples of how your shoes made the difference in someone’s life:

* Bullen Timo, a young man from southern Sudan, received a pair of shoes during our first shoe drop in his war-torn country. He said, “We could not get a pair of shoes even if we had money — no jobs — no products — these shoes are life-changing, and they protect our feet from infection and injury.” Bullen later applied for, and was granted, a student visa to the United States in the same town where our primary warehouse is located. He is now a volunteer for Soles4Souls in order to give back to the charity that gave him his first pair of shoes. “It is very good for me to participate to help in the warehouse so it can help many people like I have been helped,” he said.

We are asking for your direct involvement in our mission to “Change the World One Pair at a Time.”
This entry was posted on October 18, 2008 at 2:34 am